The PUSH Podcast Season 2 Episode 2: You Don't Owe Anyone Your Fitness

Whether it’s from the diet industry, the gym, your trainer or from within yourself the pressure to eat and look a certain way can be really intense. We’re here to tell you that you don’t owe anyone your fitness. Not even to us.

In this episode we break down where this pressure comes from, the impact that COVID-19 has had on bodies and the history of where it all started.


The PUSH Podcast Season 2 Episode 1: Your Feelings About Your Body During COVID-19

It’s been an entire year since the world was turned upside down by COVID-19. Among many changes that we’ve been through, a lot of us have also seen changes in our bodies with some added weight.

But…..what if that’s okay? Rebellious, we know.

Listen in as we start off season 2 of The PUSH Podcast by unpacking how our feelings about our bodies have shifted during the pandemic and how we can continue to fight back against diet culture.


The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 14: Politics and Fitness....Do They Go Together?

We were set to record on Wednesday, January 6, 2021. Hours before we were going to meet up news broke out that rioters stormed the Capitol in Washington, D.C. And we just couldn’t. We took a pause for a few days and then reconvened.

In this episode we talk about our reactions to the riot, how our hearts have been lately, our take on Cosmo’s most recent cover release and wether politics really do belong in fitness.


The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 13: You've Made it Through 2020

It’s New Year’s Eve. If you’re reading this, congratulations! You’ve made it through 2020, one of the roughest years we’ve experienced yet.

In today’s episode we reflect on how we have navigated our way through this past year, what we have learned and what we hope to carry forward into 2021.

We also address listener questions! Press play to hear us talk more about:

  • How to prepare for running after pregnancy

  • Can you avoid diastasis recti (DR)?

  • What can you do to combat the aches and pains of pregnancy?

Happy New Year, everyone. Cheers to us for making it through!


The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 12: Knocking Ourselves Off Of Our Pedestals

There are some commonly held beliefs about weight and fitness. Some of them, well, actually, most of them are pretty much diet culture propaganda B.S. In this episode we tell the real story of the hows and whys of our journey toward becoming personal trainers, what we’ve learned over the years and how we view our industry today.

So, basically, we tell you all of the things that we have ever done wrong as trainers and in the fitness industry. Listen in to learn more!


The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 11: New Year's Resolutions - Helpful or Harmful?

The New Year is upon us, which means that we will soon be seeing a barrage of marketing from the diet industry selling their latest lose weight quick schemes.

Where did New Year’s resolutions come from? Are they a good thing? A bad thing? Should I make a New Year’s resolution this year?

In this episode we talk about:

  • Our own experiences with New Year’s resolution and diets

  • The history of New Year’s resolutions

  • The lies we’ve been told about diets and weight loss

  • Ways to move toward feeling better in your own skin

  • Pondering what would happen if Pepto Bismol had the reverse effect of its marketed intended purpose

Listen in and let us know what you think!

References made in this episode:

The History of New Year’s Resolutions” by Sarah Pruitt via

United States Weight & Loss Diet Control Market Report 2019

Ragen Chastain

International Journal of Eating Disorders

The Weight of the Evidence


The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 10: Fatphobia, Internal Biases & Lockdown #2

Diet culture, fatphobia and internal biases aren’t exclusive to the fitness industry. We also see it all of the time within the medical community both within ourselves and with our medical providers.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Body image, fatphobia and interactions with medical providers

  • What we’ve been up to during Cara’s knee surgery recovery

  • Oregon’s second statewide freeze mandate due to the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Our latest project, “Ah! PUSH It! 20 Easy to Follow Cardio Workouts

The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 9: Mental Health, Racism, Fitness & How It All Ties Together

(Trigger warning: In this episode we discuss the events surrounding the death of Walter Wallace, Jr. who was shot and killed on October 26, 2020 by police officers in response to a call from his family for help regarding his mental health. )

According to the CDC mental health disorders are among the most common health conditions in the United States. If that’s true, then why is it so hard to talk about our own mental health struggles sometimes? Why do we feel shame surrounding feelings of depression and anxiety? Why are Black people and other people of color treated differently through the lenses of mental health?

And why the heck don’t we just stick to fitness?

Listen to this episode to hear more.

Resources discussed in this episode:

Jessie Mundell

SAMSHA’s National Helpline Number: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
