The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 8: Fat Phobia, Racism and Diet Culture

We recently ruffled a few feathers with an Instagram post on how diet culture is rooted in racism. In this episode we dive in on how fat phobia and diet culture are directly linked to racism, how the pursuit of thinness doesn’t necessarily lead to health and ways to be open to self examination without getting defensive.

Resources discussed in this episode:

When engaging in anti-racism work it is important to keep a few ground rules in mind:

  • Whenever possible, pay anti racist educators for their work. This is what they do for a living, pay them to learn.

  • Whenever possible help fund the cause. Give to organizations that you know are making efforts to dismantle systemic racism.

  • Google! If you're not not sure where to get started type "anti-racism" into your Google search bar and start learning.

  • Don't slide into educators' direct messages asking for clarification, explanations and/or advice.....unless you plan to pay them to do so.

People to follow, pay and learn from:

Chrissy King

Rachel Cargle

Monique Melton

Ibram X. Kendi

Decolonizing Fitness

Books to purchase and read:

Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia by Sabrina Strings

Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating by Christy Harrison


The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 7: How Your Body Affects Your Belief in Yourself

Think of a time that your body did something that you wanted it to do.

Now, think of a time that your body didn’t do something that you wanted it to do.

How did you feel about yourself during each those times? Chances are when your body is or isn’t able to do the things that you want it to do that you feel differently about the person that you are.

In this episode we talk about the variety of ways that your body can about affect your self belief in ways like strength training, pregnancy, postpartum, injury, weight, body size, aging and more.

Listen in to learn how you can begin to love yourself and your body as it is right here, right now.


The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 6: Body Positivity and the Patriarchy

Did you know that diet culture has a direct tie with the patriarchy? Did you know that it has a direct tie with racism? Listen to this episode to hear more and to learn ways to smash the patriarchy by rejecting society’s imposed body and beauty standards.

Link to references made in this episode:

The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women by Naomi Wolf

The Scene on Radio podcast

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The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 5: Our Take on the #NoExcuses Culture

You’ve seen it. You’ve heard it. You may have even said it. #NoExcuses is a rampant part of fitness and diet culture. But, really….don’t we all have excuses? And isn’t that okay? Tune in as we unpack our thoughts on why we think #NoExcuses is a dangerous message to be sending to folks trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Also, hear Cara share about her new found love: The WaterPik…….


The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 3: Racism & the Fitness Industry

What does racism have to do with the fitness industry? What is our responsibility as white women within this industry and as business owners? We talk about this and more in this episode of The PUSH Podcast.

Resources discussed in this episode:

When engaging in anti-racism work it is important to keep a few ground rules in mind:

  • Whenever possible, pay anti racist educators for their work. This is what they do for a living, pay them to learn.

  • Whenever possible help fund the cause. Give to organizations that you know are making efforts to dismantle systemic racism.

  • Google! If you're not not sure where to get started type "anti-racism" into your Google search bar and start learning.

  • Don't slide into educators' direct messages asking for clarification, explanations and/or advice.....unless you plan to pay them to do so.

People to follow, pay and learn from:

Chrissy King

Rachel Cargle

Monique Melton

Ibram X. Kendi

Decolonizing Fitness

The PUSH Podcast Season 1 Episode 2: Fitness & Your Pelvic Floor

As pre- & postnatal trainers we take the pelvic floor into consideration with all of our clients. So….what is the pelvic floor? What does it do? Why do we care what it does during exercise? How does it affect body image? Check out our latest podcast to hear our take on fitness and your pelvic floor.

Some of the folks that we have learned from that we mention in this episode:

Julie Wiebe, PT

Brianna Battles

Girls Gone Strong

Jessie Mundell

Antony Lo, PT

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