The PUSH Podcast Season 2 Episode 10: Are We Promoting Obesity?

Being trainers who firmly believe in health at every size we are no strangers to the backlash from folks who are immersed in diet culture and who are tied to the Western “ideal” when it comes to fitness. One of the questions we are asked is, “Are you promoting obesity then?”

Short answer: Yes. ;)

Long answer: Listen to the episode. It may actually be the other way around!

The PUSH Podcast Season 2 Episode 9: How We All Can Create Safe Places for Fitness

Whether it’s a big globo-gym or a tiny boutique training studio, fitness spaces historically have not been welcoming for all people. In this episode we discuss and explore some ways that we can all work toward creating and cultivating fitness spaces that feel safe for everyone.

Bonus material: discover that Jill has low standards when it comes to popsicle sanitation.

My…I I went to pull that thing down, like, my arms are still so sore from the push ups. Ohhh….Jill! Dinosaur arms! Yeah. I’m sorry. It’s okay. You should have push pressed with me, it would have been better. Now I can’t even open my popsicle! Oh my God! No! It’s fine! It’s fine, it’s only been on a gym floor. Do it.

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The PUSH Podcast Season 2 Episode 8: What to do about treats

Have you ever bargained with yourself over food?

Have you ever binged on a food that you had been trying to limit yourself on?

Have you ever used exercise as punishment for what you ate?

If you’ve answered “Yes,” to any of the above you are not alone. We have all been wading in the waters of diet culture and quite frankly, swimming away can be really tough.

Listen in as we tackle the topic of dealing with treats and dieting, as well as some strategies for beginning to find peace with your relationship with your body and with food.

Do you love the PUSH Podcast? Consider becoming a PUSH Patron! Becoming a PUSH Patron will give you early access episodes, personalized Q&As, exclusive content, freebies and more! Get more info and become a PUSH Patron here ====> PUSH PATRON

The PUSH Podcast Season 2 Episode 7: Health is a social construct

“I don’t care how you look, I just care that you’re healthy!”

Hmmm…..really, though?

In this episode we tackle shame and stigma surrounding weight, what determine’s a person’s ability to be healthy and how society has created a hierarchy surrounding what “good” bodies should look like.

Also, Cara gets a little heated about Joe Rogan.

Listen in as we dive in to discuss this topic and more!

You can put it on reels!

I could put it on reels! Oh, reels can only be 30 seconds.

Ooooh, okay, I did not know that.

So, and this has to be 3 to 5 minutes so I basically I just gotta post it.

It's gonna be an IGTV thing then. See, we're keeping up with the times.

And actually, so.....what just happened to you?!

I was trying to speak and drink at the same time and that's not...

My body said that that was not allowed.

That did not work well for you, did it?


The PUSH Podcast Season 2 Episode 6: Eat Chocolate, Have Sex & Stick It to the Man!

In this episode we turn over our topic to you, our listeners. In this Q&A episode we answer questions about stalls in fitness progress, sugar addiction and more! Listen in as we navigate these topics while honoring yourself, your body and your pleasures in life.

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT: We are now on Patreon! Do you love the PUSH Podcast? Consider becoming a PUSH Patron! Becoming a PUSH Patron will give you early access episodes, personalized Q&As, exclusive content, freebies and more! Get more info and become a PUSH Patron here ====> PUSH PATRON


The PUSH Podcast Season 2 Episode 5: What if you want to change your body?

If you’ve been following us for awhile you probably know where we stand on diet culture and marketed weight loss programs. But, does this mean that we don’t think that you should lose weight? Is wanting to change your body bad? Listen in as we dive into this topic to learn more.

References made in this episode:

Lindo Bacon, PhD

JayCee Cooper

Fitness for All Bodies

The PUSH Podcast Season 2 Episode 4: All About Body Privilege

What do we mean when we say that we have “body privilege?” In this episode we talk about what body privilege is, how we have experienced it personally and why it matters for us to examine our own body privilege in a continued effort to take down diet culture, the patriarchy, racism and more.

Bonus content: when will we get to eat the donuts that Cara’s husband brought by during the recording of this episode?

The PUSH Podcast Season 2 Episode 3: Instagram Drama, Food Pyramids & Diet Culture

We recently made a post on Instagram that ruffled some feathers. (We called it Trouble Maker Tuesday.) Pushing back against diet culture can feel very daunting, but we think it’s important. Calling these things out as we see them is one of the ways that we feel like we can inch toward changing the conversation about diets and bodies.

In this episode we discuss:

  • The post that sparked a conversation about diet culture;

  • The hierarchy of foods and how that can be problematic;

  • How we can unknowingly participate in systemic and institutionalized racism; and

  • How the phrase “Keep tugging your tug boats, people!” can simultaneously be a call to action for anti racism work and self pleasure.

Resources discussed in this episode:

Sabrina Strings, Ph.D.