PUSH Fitness

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How Fitness Supports All Types of Birth Outcomes

I think we can all agree that working out during and after pregnancy is good for you. But something that I've seen pop up a lot when it comes to the benefits of working out during and after pregnancy is that it can help you have a shorter, easier labor and help facilitate a vaginal delivery. Now, I'm not saying that that's for sure 100% not true, but what I am saying is that sometimes you can do "all the right things" and your birth outcome may still end up being different that what you expected. 

Sometimes we don't get to decide how our babies enter this world. And like my good friend Annie Willems of Pacific Northwest Doulas says, "The natural progression of pregnancy is that a baby grows and exits your body. That exit looks different for every human on the face of the planet." No matter what way your baby exits your body, that birth is natural.

And no matter how you plan to birth your babies or how they end up being born fitness can support it! Here are some benefits that have nothing to do with labor and delivery:

  • It helps with depression and anxiety.

  • It helps combat the aches and pains that come with pregnancy.

  • It helps increase energy.

  • It helps with sleep.

  • It helps you have a more successful postpartum recovery.

  • It helps you build confidence in your body.

  • It helps you build confidence on the inside, too!

And no matter what kind of delivery you have, all of these benefits are worth working for. We love helping moms and moms-t0-be have healthy pregnancies, successful postpartum recoveries and helping people in all stages of life building strength and confidence on the inside and out.

It can be hard to know what to do and not do during these transitional times. Let us know how we can help! Email us at info@thepushfitness.com or call us (503) 383-1043 to get started.


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